20 – Two Flips 4 Solution

And, not surprisingly, it’s 1. That is, the truth table always has a probability that adds up to 1 because it considers all possible cases, and all possible cases together have a probability of 1. So we just check this and make sure it’s correct. Reading from this table, we find that the probability of … Read more

14 – Two Flips 1 Solution

That was a tricky question, and you couldn’t really know the answer if you’ve never seen probability before, but the answer is 0.25. And I will derive it for you using something called a truth table. In a truth table, you draw out every possible outcome of the experiment that you conducted. There were two … Read more

12 – Complementary Outcomes

So we just learned something important. There’s a probability for an outcome; I’m going to call it A, for now. And we learned that the probability of the opposite outcome, which we’re going to call ¬A (this over here just means “not”) is 1 minus the probability as expressed right over here. That’s a very … Read more

1 – Introduction to Probability

Statistics and probability are different but strongly related fields of mathematics. In probability, we make predictions about future events based on models or causes that we assume whereas in statistics we analyze the data from the past events to infer what those models or causes could be. There’s almost an opposite relation between these two. … Read more