3 – L1 02 Course Overview V4

Whether you’re a beginner in programming or have experience in other languages, this course is well-structured to help you develop fluency in Python. Each lesson includes videos, text summaries, quizzes and coding activities for each concept. If you’d like to move through the course faster, you can skip directly to text summaries and quizzes to test your knowledge, and go back to videos if you get stuck. However, if you are new to programming, I strongly recommend watching the videos for a detailed walk-through of each topic. Here’s an overview of what you learn. You’ll start off learning about the basics of python in lesson two; data types and operators. These are the building blocks you use to write your programs. In lesson three, you’ll dive into control flow tools. You learn about conditional statements, loops, built-in functions, and list comprehensions. With control flow tools, you’ll be able to write more complex and creative code. In lesson four, you’ll learn about function definitions, variable scope, documentation, lambda expressions, iterators, and generators. This is where things can become a little tricky. But these are also some of the most important tools you’ll need to use in day-to-day practice. Finally, the last lesson will show you how to run your code locally and scripts that take in raw input and work with files. You’ll also learn about error handling and importing different libraries. I know this looks like a lot of content, but there’s plenty of review and practice throughout the course to reinforce what you’re learning.

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