4 – Why C++

So welcome Elicia. Thank you so much for coming in today. Hey, Andy. Thank you for inviting me. So I have been trying to learn C++. I’m not an expert myself. And the first thing I did when I was trying to learn this language was try to convert some of that histogram filter code we had written in the first course of this nanodegree. I tried to convert it from Python to C++, and that was quite an experience. It was not easy. But I think that code might serve as a good jumping off point for talking about what this language is. Well, you let me look at some of it. So, I think, yes. We can talk more about it. Okay. So let’s get into the details, the nitty-gritty of the code. But before we do that, do you want to just, high level, what is C++? What’s the difference between C++ and Python? Why do we need multiple programming languages? There are some people who say you should learn lots of programming languages. You should learn different languages because they have different uses. Python is fantastic for problem solving, for prototypes, for figuring out what the goal is and how to get there. But you don’t necessarily care about what you’re using to get there, whether you’re using a moped or a nice car. C++, on the other hand, knows what it’s running on. It knows about processors. It knows about how it interacts with the world. And it’s a very tactical language, where it has its feet in the computer its running on. It has lots of the Python features that help you implement solutions to your problem, but it also has ways to do it really fast. And that is the real reason why C++ is important to this sort of development.

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