5 – PyTorch C API V2

Now, let’s see how we actually load our Script Module into C++. So for this, there is a requirement that we need LibTorch, so this is the C++ API for PyTorch and we’ll also want to use CMake for building our actual application. So, here we’re just going to make a very simple C++ application … Read more

4 – PyTorch Script Annotation V2

Well, sometimes your model might use forms of control flow that don’t actually work with this tracing method. So, for example, you might have some if statements in your forward method that depend on your input. So, things like this, they’re fairly common in natural language processing problems. So, there is a second way to … Read more

3 – PyTorch Script Tracing V1

Welcome to this lesson on using some really cool new features in Pytorch. So, this is specifically features that are being introduced and Pytorch 1.0. What they allow you to do is, export your train models and Pytorch that you’ve trained in Python, and export those to a version that you can then load up … Read more

2 – PyTorch For Production V1

Hi there. So, I’m going to be walking you through this tutorial for some new features in PyTorch 1.0. PyTorch 1.0 has been specifically built for making this transition between developing your model in Python, and then converting it into a module that you can load into a C++ environment. The reason I want to … Read more

1 – PyTorch 10 Install V1

So, just a quick note about PyTorch. The features I’m demonstrating in this lesson, are only available from PyTorch 1.0. At the time I am recording these videos, hydro 20.0 is not the stable version of PyTorch. So, if you install PyTorch the normal way, so you go to their website, and you click on … Read more